We reach out to the lost souls and invite them into God’s house where they will feel the love and acceptance of Christ. A place where the lost souls can find healing and deliverance in Jesus’ name!
We pray together, worship together, cry together and counsel each other.
God gave us the greatest example of empowerment when he sent Jesus to earth.
God endowed Jesus with his power not only to perform miracles, but to save all of creation.
Because Jesus was empowered, he was able to miraculously empower those around him.
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Christliche Gemeinde International e.V was entered in
the Freiburg Register Court on 19.03.2019.
Business number: VR 702534.
Tax number: 11007 / 11264.
The inauguration of the church (CGI e.V.) officially took place on Sunday, June 09, 2019.
I accepted the call because God wanted someone who could serve Him in truth and in spirit, accountable and transparent. It was not easy to accept the call of God, but no one can escape the work of God.
The vision: “Be hospitable to one another without grumbling” (1 Peter 4:9).
The mission is to reach lost souls and invite them into God’s house where they will experience the love and acceptance of Christ.
Ø To love God, love people and make disciples who willchange the world for Jesus Chr ist.
Ø To grow together in faith, love and service to change our world for Christ.
Ø To reach, teach and equip people to transform lives and shape communities for Christ.
Ø To passionately seek God, love others unconditionally, and serve the world selflessly.
Ø To invite all people to experience the grace, truth and transforming power of Jesus Christ.
Ø Restore lives through the redemption of Jesus Christ and empowers His followers to do the same.